THE WISDOM TO SURVIVE Activist Package License
This LICENSE is good for one free, non-broadcast, public exhibition screening of the film THE WISDOM TO SURVIVE (the "FILM"). The license fee for screening the FILM is $199.00, plus shipping and handling and applicable sales tax.
To upgrade your license to charge admission, or to screen it more than once, send your request to [email protected].
In consideration of payment of the license fee provided for above, the LICENSOR has provided the LICENSEE with one (1) DVD copy of the FILM to be used for the screening, 10 Consumer DVDs, 150 promotional postcards, electronic publicity materials and this license to screen the film once. In addition the LICENSOR hereby grants to the LICENSEE, without warranty, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to screen the FILM on the SCREENING DATE only, subject to the terms and conditions specified herein, as follows:
- The LICENSEE hereby expressly agrees that the FILM shall be used only for the permitted purposes as set forth in this AGREEMENT and for no other purpose.
- The LICENSEE agrees that the FILM may be exhibited in more than one screening on the SCREENING DATE, but that permission for additional exhibition dates must be made to the LICENSOR by email or mail, at the addresses above, and will incur additional licensing fees.
- The LICENSEE agrees that it shall not permit the FILM to be duplicated, sold, loaned, transferred, televised or made available online or to any other party not contained herein at any time or in any manner other than as provided for in this AGREEMENT.
With respect to the License granted hereunder, it is expressly understood and acknowledged by the LICENSEE that any rights, title, or interest that the LICENSOR maintains with respect to the FILM are expressly reserved by the LICENSOR.
You may not charge admission for this community screening. Donations may be accepted. It includes: 1 DVD copy of THE WISDOM TO SURVIVE, this License to Screen, 10 Consumer DVDs, 150 promotional postcards, access to resources for your event
including a Screening Guide to help you plan your event and lead a discussion, a Handout, a Poster, and Press Stills.
The DVD must be returned promptly after the screening to Bullfrog Films, 372 Dautrich RD, Reading, PA 19606.
Screening resources can be found here.