THE WISDOM TO SURVIVE Screening Resources
The Discussion Guide guide contains the following for your screening use:
• about the film & filmmakers • ready to watch! screening guide
• ready to talk! discussion guide • ready to act! handout
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International effort to raise awareness of the need to decrease carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million.
Biowatch South Africa
Publicizes, monitors and researches issues of genetic modification, and promotes biological diversity and sustainable livelihoods
Black Mesa Water Coalition
Black Mesa Water Coalition is dedicated to preserving and protecting Mother Earth and the integrity of Indigenous Peoples' cultures, with the vision of building sustainable and healthy communities.
California Climate and Agriculture Network
A coalition that advances policies to support California agriculture in the face of climate change. CalCAN believes that agriculture can play a constructive role in responding to the climate crisis by reducing its carbon footprint and thus help to ensure the long-term viability and security of our food and farming system.
Climate Justice Alliance (CJA)
A collaborative of over 35 community-based and movement support organizations uniting frontline communities to forge a scalable, and socio-economically just transition away from unsustainable energy towards local living economies to address the root causes of climate change.
A worldwide movement to divest from fossil fuels and invest in a sustainable and clean energy economy.
Ecosocialist Horizons
Seeks to advance ecosocialism as a world-view and as a movement capable of offering real answers to the crises caused by capitalism. Whether these crises be social, economic or ecological, an integrated approach is necessary.
Foundation Earth
A new think tank to bring an earth-centered economy into reality.
Futurefarmers is a group of diverse practitioners aligned through an interest in making work that is relevant to the time and place surrounding us.
Movement Generation Justice and Ecology Project (MG)
Inspires and engages in transformative action towards the liberation and restoration of land, labor, and culture. MG is rooted in vibrant social movements led by low-income communities and communities of color committed to a Just Transition away from profit and pollution and towards healthy, resilient and life-affirming local economies.
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Works to safeguard the earth — its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.
New Economy Coalition
The mission of the New Economy Coalition (formerly the New Economics Institute) is to build a New Economy that prioritizes the well-being of people and the planet.
Post Carbon Institute
Assists societies in their efforts to relocalize communities and adapt to an energy constrained world.
La Via Campesina
The international movement that brings together millions of peasants, small and medium-size farmers, landless people, women farmers, indigenous people, migrants and agricultural workers from around the world and defends small-scale sustainable agriculture as a way to promote social justice and dignity.
Both an information clearinghouse and a network of action-oriented groups with a focus on building community resilience in a world of multiple emerging challenges: the decline of cheap energy, the depletion of critical resources like water, complex environmental crises like climate change and biodiversity loss, and the social and economic issues which are linked to these.
Transition US
Transition US is a nonprofit organization that provides inspiration, encouragement, support, networking, and training for Transition Initiatives across the United States, and works in close partnership with the Transition Network, a UK based organization that supports the international Transition Movement as a whole. The Transition Movement is a vibrant, grassroots movement that seeks to build community resilience in the face of such challenges as peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis. It represents one of the most promising ways of engaging people in strengthening their communities against the effects of these challenges, resulting in a life that is more abundant, fulfilling, equitable and socially connected.
Whole Systems Design
Regenerative design, resilient site development, permaculture design, re-skilling courses. Transition training, land and infrastructure for the post peak oil age. Farm design. Food systems development, water security, SHTF planning and preparedness. Root cellar, greenhouse design, secure home design. Resiliency planning & off-grid design. Vermont permaculture farm.
Women's Earth Alliance
Invests in grassroots women's leadership to drive solutions to our most pressing ecological concerns – water, food, land, and climate.
The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
The Forum on Religion and Ecology is the largest international multireligious project of its kind. With its conferences, publications, and website it is engaged in exploring religious worldviews, texts, and ethics in order to broaden understanding of the complex nature of current environmental concerns.