Home Use House Party License
Please read this Screening License, and click on the 'agree' button below. You will be taken to our secure cart to
finalize your order. Click here for a printable screening contract.
If you do not agree, please click the back button to be taken to the order form.
Home Use House Party License
This LICENSE is good for home use only. Any copying, reproduction, streaming or public performance is a violation
of copyright law and is prohibited.
You may enjoy viewing this film in your own home with family members and/or friends. Any screening outside the home
is considered a public performance and you must upgrade your license to one of the three community screening options.
To upgrade your license send your request to [email protected].
With respect to the License granted hereunder, it is expressly understood and acknowledged by the LICENSEE that any
rights, title, or interest that the LICENSOR maintains with respect to the FILM are expressly reserved by the
Screening resources can be found here.