NO FEAR NO FAVOR Screening Resources
The Discussion Guide will contain the following for your screening use:
• about the film & filmmakers • ready to watch! screening guide
• ready to talk! discussion guide • ready to act! handout
Press Stills
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People Not Poaching The People Not Poaching online learning platform aims to support community-based approaches to tackling illegal wildlife trade (IWT). With contributions from practitioners and communities, People Not Poaching aims to gather a global evidence base that will build awareness and knowledge-sharing about community approaches to reducing IWT.
The Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. Its mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.
Game Rangers International (GRI) GRI is a non-profit organisation established in Zambia in 2008. GRI works in close partnership with the De-partment of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) to empower Rangers and Local Communities to conserve nature.
Northern Rangelands Trust The Northern Rangelands Trust is a community led, non-governmental organization in northern Kenya who’s mission is to develop resilient community conservancies, which transform people’s lives, secure peace, and conserve natural resources. NRT is made up of 35 member conservancies across 44,000 square kilometers of northern and coastal Kenya.
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) DSWF is a wildlife conservation charity funding key conservation projects across Africa and Asia. Its stated mission is to increase awareness around the world about the need to protect and conserve wildlife and their habitats.
TRAFFIC TRAFFIC is a leading non-governmental organisation working globally on trade in wild animals and plants in the context of both biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
International Fund For Animal Welfare (IFAW) IFAW is a global non-profit helping animals and people thrive together. In partnership withlocal communities, governments, non-governmental organizations, and businesses, IFAW works in more than 40 countries around the world to rescue, rehabilitate, and release animals, as well as restore and protect their natural habitats.
African Wildlife Foundation The AWF is the leading international conservation organization focused exclusively on Africa’s wildlife and wild lands.
Poaching Facts PoachingFacts is a non-profit organization based in the United States and operated self-sufficiently. It’s stated goal is to raise awareness of the troubles facing the world’s wildlife and the people that live in regions suffering from lost tourism revenue, human-wildlife conflict, illegal destruction of local ecologies, and other consequences of illegal wildlife trafficking and illegal logging.
Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Working across Kenya, Sheldrick Wildlife Trust projects include anti-poaching, safe guarding the natural environment, enhancing community awareness, addressing animal welfare issues, providing veterinary assistance to animals in need, rescuing and hand rearing elephant and rhino orphans, along with other species that can ultimately enjoy a quality of life in wild terms when grown.
Journal of African Elephants The Journal of African Elephants was created by a group of concerned journalists, biologists and conservationists, who, after years of tracking and documenting the catastrophic decline of Africa’s elephant populations, have recognised the urgent need for a dedicated English and French news and commentary space to enhance and increase global awareness of the plight of Africa’s savanna and forest elephants.
Children of Conservation Children of Conservation was formed in 2009 by Atlanta-based philanthropists Michele and Kerry Stumpe. Its mission it to enhance sustainable conservation of endangered species in Africa through wildlife sanctuary sup-port, community development, habitat protection, and education.
Conservation Namibia Conservation Namibia presents true stories from Namibians living with and managing wildlife, perspectives from conservation scientists in the field and factual information on biodiversity, conservation and the environment in Namibia.