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The Discussion Guide will contain the following for your screening use:
• about the film & filmmakers • ready to watch! screening guide
• ready to talk! discussion guide • ready to act! handout
Press Stills
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The Marshall Project is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the U.S. criminal justice system. It achieves this through award-winning journalism, partnerships with other news outlets and public forums. In all of its work it strives to educate and enlarge the audience of people who care about the state of criminal justice.
Children’s Defense Fund is a national child advocacy organization that works to uplift all children, especially poor children and children of color.
Justice Policy Institute is a national nonprofit organization that changes the conversation around justice reform and advances policies that promote well-being and justice for all people and communities. Its research and analyses identify effective programs and policies and it disseminates its findings to the media, policymakers and advocates, and provide training and technical assistance supports to people working for justice reform.
Columbia University Center for Justice is committed to ending mass incarceration and criminalization, and advancing alternative approaches to justice and safety through education, research, and policy change. Its mission is to help transform the approaches to justice from being driven by punishment and retribution to being centered on prevention and healing. The Center is interdisciplinary and works in partnership with schools, departments, centers and institutes across Columbia, other universities, government agencies, community organizations, advocates and those directly affected by the criminal justice system.
Liberty Hill Foundation works to address the root causes leading to racial violence and accelerate the momentum created by organizers on the ground.
BreakFree Education works to radically improve education in the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
Youth First seeks to end youth imprisonment entirely by establishing a new national consensus against imprisonment of kids in favor of investments in community programs that can put kids on track to success. To achieve a tipping point, it works to build a critical mass of states to make this shift away from incarceration and towards investing in youth in their communities.